

Prayer Requests for Camp 2024

Marine Corps Reserve Corporal Isaac Sharp—spiritual & physical recovery. (head-on collision 12/22/23)1 yr. recovery
Pastor for Mexico City HIM church
Unspoken request
Unsaved loved ones
Daniel Shirk — recovery from sledding accident/use of legs
Joe Ingram & family
Friend from New Mexico that had a stroke.
Family who have lost several loved ones this past year.
Young wife with loss of husband—3 young children.
Harold & Doris West—both in hospital with heart concerns.
Children and grandchildren all lost in sin.
Woodie Laird — physical needs.
Steve Cary (MO) has serious cancer.
2 unsaved sons
Unsaved family
Mrs. Barton (85 yrs) sent home with no one to care for her.
Zachary (bomb tech in the Marines) pray for safety.
Janet Balsbaugh — open heart surgery scheduled.
Brenda Bewley — treatment & bone marrow transplant.
Pastor in Haiti
Rebellious child.
Regina Eckert — cancer
Keith Kidd — cancer
Unspoken urgent request.
Michael Eavey — Thank you for praying in 2023. God answered!!
God’s direction for some major decisions to be made.
My children and grandchildren.
Several personal physical conditions.
Dr. Marsh Jones — recovery from major heart surgery.
Robert Black — needs back surgery.
Roman Moore — diabetes is withering his body away.
Roy & Pam Baker — physical needs
Kristen Burley — The Lord is working salvation
Janylynn and her daughter • Unsaved son and daughter.
Family with several problems with different members.
Dr. Aaron Hamilton — pancreatic cancer
Kathy Brown has diabetes and her leg will not heal.
Janet Beckham — fell and broke wrist tonight.
Darla Byler — 28 yr old mother physical need.
District Superintendent of KY.
God’s guidance clear & detailed for the future.
Granddaughter, Kara—going through cancer treatment.
Darrell Coffin —heart blockage and stint put in.
Dawn Fraltx — cancer, needs salvation
Bonnie Hill — surgery February 21.
Debbie Cutler—robbed and took fall. Salvation for the robber.
Ken Willard — cancer.
Hester Marais (HIM missionary in Africa)— physical needs

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